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Altium designer 17 vs 18 free - Altium Designer 17.0


DsnWrk document was not being saved when exiting the software. A crash would occur when trying to open a project, created through the Altium Platform Interface, from the Explorer panel for the first time. The repository structure validation has been disabled for the time being to not block project commits. Placement of components from a Workspace Library was not possible if the time format on the PC included '.

Find and Replace string substitution would cause an exception error when attempting to perform a partial string replacement. Solder Mask openings for pads were not being displayed when viewing a mirrored embedded board in 3D. Clearance Boundaries would be displayed when trying to route track in a Keepout area whose Track and Copper restrictions had been disabled.

Pad Via libraries always opened with Imperial Display Units, regardless of the units chosen when the library was saved. Pad Templates in the Properties panel were listed in the order they were added; they are now listed alphabetically.

When adding one or more mechanical layers to the 'Other Layers' group, in the new Gerber Setup dialog, addition would only be to the first layer in the group. A Board Fabrication view of a panelized PCB was only displaying polygons on one board in the embedded array, instead of all boards.

The Edit command was not accessible in the Components panel when not connected to an Altium Workspace. Renaming and committing a file on one PC when already open on a second, would result in the document being removed from the project when committed from the latter. It was not possible to place a Comment on a managed schematic sheet in Altium Designer. Changing the case of letter s in a version-controlled document name would give a VCS 'File already exists' error.

When connecting to a specific Workspace with certain time and date settings, Altium Designer would display an Error dialog stating that the local time was invalid. A new warning is presented when attempting to save a managed project to the active Workspace and duplicate project files are present in the design repository. When releasing a specific project using the Project Releaser, managed OutJob files would get unusual characters added to the beginning of a file name.

When placing from the Components panel some users would see a 'Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows 0 ' error message. If the Windows decimal separator was set to the comma character, design constraints were not being imported during import of a Mentor Xpedition file. Added the ability to present the Y-axis in Logarithmic form for simulation results in the Sim Data Editor, in the same way previously only possible for the X-axis.

The following exception was being encountered: "EOleException. Object reference not set to an instance of an object in Altium. Switching to another application while in-line editing in a schematic text frame could result in the edits being lost and the message "Interactive process not finished" appearing.

The Find Text dialog now includes a Mask Matching option, when enabled everything in the workspace is masked except the found results. Formulas within text on a schematic were not being resolved correctly when the PC was set to use French regional settings for Windows. In a rigid-flex design, if the flex zone has a Coverlay layer with a layer type of Solder Mask, the actual Solder Mask layer is always displayed in the 2D view even when its visibility is disabled in the View Configuration panel.

Double-clicking on stacked PCB objects in 3D view mode with the 'Display Popup Selection dialog' option enabled and the 'Double Click Runs Interactive Properties' option disabled, would sometimes result in the software being locked in 3D view mode and not being able to save the board. The embedded board array object now includes a Board Shape option in the Properties panel; use this to switch the PCB background from green to transparent.

When pasting a via over a pad and some polygons, the selection pop-up would appear, even though there was no ambiguity as to which net that of the pad the via should 'pick up'. When the PCB. IPCSupport advanced option is enabled, and there is a certain combination of columns enabled in the Drill Table defaults, and the Drill Table defaults are edited to include certain additional columns, those columns could become repeated in the table. A pad with the Counterhole option enabled could result in that pad disconnecting from inner layer polygons when the Counterhole size approached the pad size.

The gray-scale color palette used for generating PCB Prints did not offer the correct coloring choices. The BoardOutlineClearance rule did not display the edge types for a rigid-flex board. It was not possible to select any components on a particular PCB document due to a regression involving ordinate dimensions that included several points of measurement. GerberDialog option in the Advanced Settings dialog. The settings for mechanical layers added to plots in the old Gerber Setup dialog were not retained when those Gerber settings were opened in the new Gerber Setup dialog.

GerberDialog option in the Advanced Settings dialog and with the output format set to 'filename. Note that you can only copy an Annotation object when it is not attached to another Draftsman object, such as a View.

Copying and pasting a table that includes merged cells would result in the merged cells becoming un-merged in the pasted table. The Filter feature in the Components panel and the MPS panel was incorrectly displaying the temperature value options in degrees Fahrenheit instead of Celcius. The Allegro importer would sometimes incorrectly create a region object in the same shape and location as a polygon.

The Allegro importer was incorrectly creating a polygon cutout over unconnected pads within a polygon, making it impossible to control the polygon clearance using design rules. There was an issue with multi-part components where, for floating nodes, a?

It was not possible to stop a running sweep-type simulation at any stage in the sweep. The performance has been increased when plotting histograms and parametric plots by a factor of The properties of an alternate varied part are now displayed as read-only in the Properties panel when that alternate part is selected on the schematic.

Toggling the visibility of pin parameters would reset their location to default. Component Pins tab of the Properties panel would not sort by Name, only by Pin number. It was not possible to configure the default visibility of Sheet Entry cross-references to not visible. A crash occurred when using the Undo and Redo commands. Dragging the center handle on a polygon edge would not always remove that edge when it was redundant. Attempting to move a component with the mouse that was failing the component clearance rule would not show an online rule violation, even though one existed.

Outline detection was sometimes failing when the shape included a combination of arcs and tracks. After dragging and dropping a 3D model from the Explorer panel onto a footprint open for editing, and then placing a pad, a warning that the component could not be saved because a command was already active would appear when attempting to save. This no longer occurs. The PCB.

ComponentSelection advanced option was not being applied, component selection was always using the contents of the Courtyard layer type. The Pin Swapping option for routing has been disabled by default and can be enabled during each new session of Altium Designer. A new option to 'Merge regions and pads inside Footprint' has been added to the Gerber Setup dialogs.

With this option enabled, regions within a footprint will be merged with pads during generation of Gerber outputs. Numerous improvements made to the Components panel, helping simplify the process of moving from file-based components to managed components.

Numerous usability improvements made to the Library Migrator, including feedback about: conflicting parameters, model checking, empty folder paths, and other areas. The Library Migrator would not always indicate the reason a component failed to import.

The validator has been improved to provide more details. Fixed typos in the 'Location of project files has changed' dialog. An error occurred when a project located in a server was refreshed. The Connection Manager and the Properties panel did not display the same pin numbers in a multi-board project. After editing multiple components in the Batch Component Editor, user-defined pin mapping definitions were deleted. The Explorer panel was not presenting the aspect views for browsing detailed data for a selected item revision when using the panel's Search view.

Support added to use a file-based PWL source. Attempting to open the simulation model for a component placed from a DbLib would result in an access violation. When attempting to change multiple selected components via the Properties panel, if a different library is selected as the Source, the Component Source dialog appears.

When the Select button is clicked the Replace dialog opens to choose the replacement, but instead of updating all currently selected components the Replace dialog would reappear for each of the selected components. Updates such as footprint and parameter changes to components that were used as an alternate part in a Variant, were not propagating through to the design when an Update Schematics or Update Parameters command was run.

Improved the performance of dragging components on a schematic sheet that has a large number of components and wires. When enabled, each special string has its name displayed as a faint superscript. Net name negation using the trailing backslash character was not working for Power Ports.

An access violation would sometimes occur during differential pair routing if the PCB file was stored in a OneDrive folder. The Heads Up Display would remain visible on top of all other applications after switching from Altium Designer to a different Windows application.

This ticket also corrected an issue where, if changes were made to a STEP model that was linked to a PCB, when that PCB was reopened and the linked model automatically updated, the model location and orientation were not correctly maintained, resulting in the linked model moving.

Performing a 3D measurement between a 3D object and the board surface or board edge, reported a distance of zero. The Footprint Comparison Report would give a false failure on a component if: the component had been rotated, and the component included an extruded 3D Body object with an arc in its outline.

Differential pair reported signal length was not the same in the PCB panel and the tuning gauge during interactive length tuning, when the pair included vias. Changing a via type e. For a specific design project an Access Violation would result when the Retrace Selected command was run on a partially selected accordion. Switching between Workspaces or signing out of a Workspace would result in the software disconnecting from the Private License Server.

To reduce potential for confusion when using the Soft Locks feature, if a user has made changes to a document more than two days ago, a second user opening the same document will not see that the first user is 'editing' the document, but rather a clearer state of ' made changes locally on '.

In addition, the icon used in the Projects panel will change to gray, indicating that this is a change made more than two days ago and not an active editing session by that first user. It was not possible to navigate through the different project Comment dialog options such as the list of suggested email recipients , using the keyboard.

When there was a remote VCS repository connected to a local repository which does not require authorization , the software would still prompt for authorization credentials when a VCS action was performed. If a component included a ranked Part Choice, attempting to remove another Part Choice would remove that one and the Part Choice below it. With the 'Always Drag' option disabled, there were rare cases where some wires would disappear after moving a selection of circuitry.

The speed of the simulation process has been significantly increased when running multiple analyses. Extra connection dots were generated when moving wires on the schematic. Embedded graphics in a schematic were not able to be presented in generated PDF output, causing an error in Acrobat Reader.

Using formulas on a schematic involving the 'abs' and 'round' functions resulted in NAME? The variant that was last set prior to closing a project is now remembered, and will be the variant presented when the project is reopened.

PrjPcb was being marked as having been modified when making a change to the drawing style for a variant. The opening time for a schematic that includes large multipart components has been greatly reduced, with an average 2. Creepage rule violations were not being detected where a primitive was fully surrounded by a polygon pour.

A new option 'Apply to Polygon Pour' has been added to the Creepage Distance design rule to ensure that a polygon pour obeys the rule when this option is enabled, in addition to the applicable Clearance rule.

After changing the number of holes on a PCB, and importing changes to Draftsman, the drill symbols were being reset in a placed Drill Table on the Draftsman document. The ability to define default properties for a Drill Symbol has been added to the Draftsman - Defaults page of the Preferences dialog.

The following exception was encountered when using comments - System. An exception would occur when placing a comment with multiple links - on a schematic or the PCB - and at least one of those links contains parameters.

BC , BC The xDxDesigner Importer has been enhanced to allow users importing an xDxDesigner project to also import defined variants of that project automatically. When the Component Pin editor was opened, the component being edited would disappear. When one part in a multi-part component is updated to the latest revision, all parts in the same component are now updated to the latest revision.

The sequence of actions for placing an Image object was changed to avoid placing a zero-height image on a schematic sheet. After importing components using a script the footprint primitives would not display in the PCB library editor, then when a footprint primitive was clicked on the PCB Library panel an exception would occur.

The presence of a specific object on the board would result in a crash when an IPC file was generated. A PCB library document is marked as modified when a footprint that includes a rectangle is opened. Rectangle object placed in a PCBLib would move when the library was saved, and clicking Undo would break the rectangle.

Keepout objects placed in a PCB design can now be shown in a panelized embedded board array. Note that this feature provides a visual representation of the Keepout layer, copper objects placed on the Embedded Board Array currently do not respect keepouts placed in the source PCB.

Removing existing teardrops did not always remove the teardrops from vias. Differential pairs did not change their width and gap values according to the associated Differential Pairs Routing design rule when the differential pair crosses a border of a board region during Interactive Differential Pair Routing.

It was not possible to include the Multi-layer as a visible layer when working in Single Layer Mode. Bottom paste mask would not display in 3D if all plane layers were removed from the layer stack.

The Undo command did not always function correctly after moving components if the Component re-route option was enabled in the Interactive Routing preferences. Generating a PDF from Draftsman would fail if the source document included a string with a large font size. Outputjob symbols in the Projects panel were not distinguishable between an outputjob in the project and one that is stored outside a project.

A large delay could occur when working with managed components placed from Concord Pro when there was an unstable network connection.

A component symbol that included arcs in the outline could not be committed to a Workspace, giving the error message 'Failed to create preview files'.

An error occurred when trying to apply the "Revert to" command to a document of a particular project. The workflow presented during part creation using the Acquire feature from the Manufacturer Part Search panel was different from that presented when using a Part Request. This release of Altium Designer gives you the ability to create custom pad shapes quickly and easily, with management similar to that of standard pads.

Output data needs to be as accurate as possible. For multi-variant designs you can now ensure that the paste mask is only displayed where it is really needed. Design of high-speed PCBs becomes easier with this latest release. Now, when you need to quickly move tuning elements to a different layer, you can do so from the Properties panel with a single click.

This latest version of Altium Designer makes schematic simulation even easier. System intelligence automatically recognizes SPICE models and assigns them to components from available sources.

Parametric information for your board is now conveniently available from the Properties panel. A single, convenient location with which to browse system, calculated and user-defined parameters, and place as needed in the form of special strings. You can now specify active links to components and nets within a text frame object on a schematic.

This handy navigation aid makes it much easier not only to read the document, but also to work with it. You will often see that modern ICs consist of multi-functional pins. In this latest version of Altium Designer it has become far easier and much more convenient to work with such components. Even more possibilities for creating differential pairs. Now you can use any postfixes to designate positive and negative net of a differential pair.

The condition of the PCB is under your control. A new intelligent feature that gives you confidence that your PCB is okay and complies with design rules.

Many schematic solutions are created as multivariant. With the new release, the schematic of multivariant project have become even more detailed and informative. Working with multiboards has become easier and more convenient. Now you have more component sources at your disposal. A reuse bloks help reduce development time and avoid errors. The new Design Reuse Panel and new functionality expands the possibilities for reuse blocks and snippets.

Designing high-speed PCB just got easier. The Length Tuning tools is now even more functionality. Complex tasks can now be solved even faster. The via editing mode is now even more convenient. Information about the via, editing its parameters and connections to polygons are now all in a new and simple, but familiar form. The way from idea to real devices has become shorter. The new feature will reduce the time it takes to design a schematic.

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